Regulating Your Nervous System with EFT by Noemi Sparks

Regulating your Nervous System with EFT as a Subtle Energy Practitioner

As subtle energy practitioners, our nervous system is the container for the work we do with our clients and students. It is essential that we know how to regulate our own nervous systems and clear old energy before entering into a new 1:1 session. This talk offers 3 EFT exercises to ground your energy before and after client sessions.

About your presenter, Noemi Sparks:

Noemi Sparks is a certified clinical EFT practitioner through EFT Universe and Life Experience Coach in Grass Valley, CA. She specializes in helping people overcome the side effects and symptoms of living with mental illness through emotional freedom techniques, movement and energy mastery. You can connect with her through @IAmNoemiSparks on social media. &

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